Friday, 13 September 2013

First World Problems

It's Friday...interesting week learning how to increase my patience with all those "1st world problems" no particular order...and why they are 1st world problems...
1. Challenging timelines to align the business to our new world (I have a job - much better than many)
2. Teenage children (I have healthy (mostly) happy children - some can't have)
3. Lot's of time on the phone with Telstra - more broadband problems (I have broadband)
4. Petrol is $1.57 a litre (I have a car)
5. Blocked toilet and had to call a plumber (I have a toilet...inside - and can pay for a plumber)
6. Council finally assigned a planner to my development approval after 3 months (I have a house and can afford to renovate it)
7. It feels really cold today (it's been over 30 degrees in early Spring and I live 5 minutes from the beach)
8. Feeling old this week (I'm alive and well)
9. My wife tells me I need a hobby (I have a wife and she wants me to be happy)
10. I'm hoping my mobile will hold out for a few more weeks until the iPhone 5S arrives (I have an iPhone 4S)
...and this is what I have to complain about...? Geeeez...

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