Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Following a Passion

This morning the alarm clock went off (for the 3rd time...I'm not really big on early mornings) to the old Survivor/Rocky song "Eye of the Tiger". Ok, before all of you say, "What radio station was THAT on!" - that isn't really my point. Showing my age, I remembered the lyrics to the song but, for the first time, some of those words really stuck to me. There's a line in the song that goes, "So many times, it happens so fast - you trade your passion for glory...".

I started to think about times in my life where I did exactly that - traded my passion for glory. Glory for money, for a more prestigious job, notoriety...whatever - it happened (happens?).

My first university degree was in music composition and I was a trumpet player, and a good one. I was incredibly passionate about it. I studied and practiced every day, 7 days a week, 5-6 hours a day. I performed, I loved it. I was also hungry. I looked at friends who had lots of free time, making more money than I was and, really quickly, decided I wanted to have those things too.

That was a long time ago. I do many things for which I feel passion today but none stand up to the passion I had for my music.

Had I not traded that passion, would I have found the "glory" I needed anyway? Would watching a musician perform on stage make me as emotional as it does now? Would I feel guilty that I hadn't practiced my horn for weeks? But would I have also found the time for new passions and creative innovations in which I have become a part?

We tell our children to follow their passion and that "the money will follow". Maybe it's more "don't do what you hate". You can't be good at what you hate and everyone wants to be good at what they do.

I do find I'm good at work things I am passionate about but which comes first? If you can be good at a few things (several things) you can create time for your real passion. 

I now play my trumpet "for my own amazement" and I do it when I want to. The times I play  I wouldn't trade for anything for but I wouldn't want to "have" to do it. That defines a passion for me.

So, should we follow our passions or just find time for them in our lives?

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